Transfer orders to A-TMS

HTTPS requests
For a request you need to send to the address
POST request with XML data in the request body. If it is not possible to use HTTPS, you can use the same address via HTTP, but the data will not be protected during transmission.
Request XML File Format
Tag <Body> can be an arbitrary container, including an attachment. Another tags will be ignored.
APIKey & APISecret can be obtained by writing to support A-TMS [email protected], including during the demo period.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
         <ConsignmentNoteCode>NT 5298222</ConsignmentNoteCode>
         <ConsignorCode>sample text</ConsignorCode>
         <ConsignorName>sample text</ConsignorName>
         <CarriageCustomerName>sample text</CarriageCustomerName>
         <ClientName>sample text</ClientName>
         <ClientContact>sample text</ClientContact>
         <WarehouseAddress>1070 Story Rd</WarehouseAddress>
         <SalesRepEmail>[email protected]</SalesRepEmail>
         <Comments>urgent [11:00]</Comments>
         <OutletTag>Тariff zone</OutletTag>
         <ZoneTag>Delivery area</ZoneTag>
XML response file format
XML with the result of the exchange: "OK" on success, "ERROR" or a detailed description on error. If there is no response, you should repeat the request. Orders with the answer "OK" - successfully transmitted, they do not need to be resubmitted. If the Message of the order does not contain "OK", then import of this order is not possible. In this case the Message field contains a description of the problem.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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